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Visual Basic/VB • View topic • Inserting lIne breaks in files written to disk...

2023-02-17 22:59| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

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Using Mac, OS X 10.3.9, Excel X for Mac. I need to write a text file in VBA with a Unix line break (ASCII 10 / x0A). I'm iterating over a range of cells and writing out lines with: Print #FileNum, Cell.Text & Chr(10) Anyway, when I get my file written out, it's not performing as I expected. I did a hex dump with TextWrangler and found that I'm not getting a linefeed character written out. Here's a sample hex line: 0050: 00 0D 00 0D 00 64 00 69 00 67 00 20 00 31 00 39 .....d.i.g. .1.9 The first two characters should be a single line feed (x0A), but I'm getting a double carriage return (x00 x0D). Two questions: 1. It looks like Excel is putting out double-byte ASCII (all the extra 00 in front of the actual ASCII characters). Is this correct? 2. Why am I getting ASCII 13 / x0D when I'm explicitly writing out ASCII 10 / x0A? ------------------- P.S. I discovered that some common Mac VBA constants are not as expected: vbCr 13 vbCrLf 13 vbFormFeed 12 vbLf 13 vbNewLine 13 vbNullChar 0 vbObjectError 45 vbTab 9

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3.Inserting blank lines breaks lines of code

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4.Insert line break in email from vba code

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